
What is the T.A.U. Institute? Funded through a generous, multi-year grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc , we are a “Youth theology institute offering rigorous, surprising & creative engagement with theologies; re-casting youth as active participants in theological debate.” In other words, we are a non-profit with a mission to help High School students dive deeper into the practical aspects of their faith and all of our programming is offered FREE of charge to churches and individual participants.
At our events, we also use our advocational transcript program; which equips students with seeds of faith, tools for Scriptural practice and partnerships and hands-on opportunities which will document a student’s endeavors. Not only will students engage in real-world, ‘Bible practice’, they will leave the experience with credentials to put on resumes and job applications AND enrolment in a badge-credit program that is on-going and a transcript that is permanent.